social media

Whether you are a company that offers products or services to the general public or a niche company that only works with other businesses, Social Media Marketing (SMM) offers a direct connection to your audience. Social Media Marketing is a way for you to actively engage customers, reward loyalty, build brand identity and trust, show thought leadership, and even initiate word-of-mouth marketing, unlike advertising which is often a one-way message.

Social Media Marketing relies on social networks and other digital forums that allow for communication between you and your customers. Some social networks you may know are Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest and Instagram. But there are thousands of social networks to choose from, some better for your business than others. For example, for social media targeted towards creatives there is Dribble, Behance, or DeviantArt. The goal in Social Media Marketing is taking your brand to the markets that are most important for your business and actively engaging with that market. In 2012, President Obama appeared on the social network Reddit to answer questions not asked by professional media correspondents, but by everyday people on the site. It’s up to you to get creative and engage with an audience to build a community of followers.

Blogging is another form of social media that can be shared from your site either by an RSS feed or by providing readers with SMM share tools to repost your content on their own pages.

If you’re looking for help setting up your social media marketing channels or seeking content management for the pages you’ve started, gives us a call. (800) 900-8536.